Okay, not really. It just sounded exciting. I'm still in my pajamas weighing the pros and cons of doing anything else besides nursing my current mug o' joe. So far, nothing has been so important that I've moved.
The ringing in of 2013 was anti-climactic. Some tummy issue sidelined me from my family's annual karaoke/card game party, so I curled up in bed with my laptop, a tall glass of water (I'm a lush), and a couple of Twilight movies I haven't seen in ages but try to avoid watching when Mr. Ohboy is around. My husband is my biggest fan and would sit through a Twilight marathon if I begged him to--and secretly, he would like it just a little bit. That's the kind of thing he holds over my head, though. Eventually I pay a price for such injustices to his manhood.
But, getting back to New Year's Eve... The house was mine. Empty. Friends, I have never lived alone. Never. Maybe someday my own voice will echo back to me and I will miss the sheer chaos. For now, the solitude is as close as I will come to straight-up magic. My family's party could have gone for a week solid, and it would have been the next best thing to laying on a beach somewhere with a fruity drink in my hand. Sadly, the boys returned at about 11:30p.m., and we flipped on the t.v. ten minutes before midnight only to see Carson Daly and his female co-host holding a conversation they wouldn't shut up about until 10 seconds before midnight. Horrible--I want Dick Clark back.
Uninterrupted, I managed to plunk out a little over 1900 words, reaching my re-re-revised goal of 38k by the end of 2012. Shortly after the ball dropped, bringing in 2012, I was snuggled up with my laptop. A year later, I am in the same place, same characters, different story. My eyes opened this morning, and my first thoughts were, "Now what happens with my characters?"
Well, no. My first thoughts were, "Coffee. Where's my coffee?" But, the two kind of go hand-in-hand, so it's almost the same thing. The point is, clearly I am where I am supposed to be.
The end of the world didn't happen, not yet, unless we're already smack dab in the middle of the zombie apocalypse and we just haven't noticed. So what are you going to do to bring yourself to the place you want to be? I'm not talking resolutions, because there is something about a resolution that screams "You know I'm too hard. Quit already." It has to be something else--something you go for with fire, because failing isn't an option if you ever want things to change for the better.
Maybe you're stuck on a big picture, when focusing on a single baby step is enough to begin. Every journey starts with a single footstep... or keystroke... or glass of water. Take that single footstep every day and by this time next year, you're at least 365 paces closer. But I bet you're closer than that because momentum in one area of our lives tends to push us to take a step or two (maybe more!) along the way.
So tell me what your journey is, and one baby step you'd like to take to get there. Can I help you, even if it's just cheering from the sidelines as you baby-step your way through a year?
That sounds like the perfect way to spend NYE!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you're doing what you love! I can't tell you where I want my journey to be, because I don't know anymore. That makes me a litle sad, but I can't even think of anything I'm passionate about, other then wishing I could live a normal life and not be in pain all the time. And yet, I know there are people that have it a lot worse and I just need to suck it up.
Wait! I thought your first step to doing what you love was to learn the Dewey Decimal System?! ;-)
DeleteI wish I knew how to make your life normal, Christa, but I'm only so good. My contribution is listening and comic relief, I guess. <3
Thanks for listening, I felt better after I wrote it! Now just pray my spinal tap tomorrow goes as well as it possibly could. Thanks : )
DeleteWell, that doesn't sound like a fun way to ring in the new year.... but I am praying!
DeleteYou know my journey... This year is going to be filled with baby steps
ReplyDeleteDo it!!!!!