... or I'd like to think it is.
I hit 40k words just a little bit ago. Finally. I almost went to bed early because I've been dragging all day. Instead, something told me that it would be a perfect night to check out the Write Or Die desktop program I bought before Christmas. The premise of Write Or Die is that you can set goals--crazy or easy, or somewhere in between--for your writing, and if you don't hit those goals, then you are punished. The punishments range anywhere from violins screeching in the background to words deleting themselves from the screen. If you are idle for too long the screen fades from pink to red, which I found to be really annoying. So tonight, I managed to write about 1084 words in an hour, which is some sort of record for me. I'm excited about this new gadget to hopefully motivate me to get to the finish line. I'm only 10k off now! Yay!
And now I am falling asleep at the keyboard. That's the price you pay for an hour of super-speed.
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