Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Just the Facts, Ma'am.

WARNING:  Letting my geek flag fly uninhibited for this one.  I usually try to be a little bit more covert.  Moving on....

I began this blog back in June of this year as a way to write about things that come up that are too long or personal for Facebook fodder.  Also, as I go through the process of writing my first (and now my second) book, I wanted to get my feet wet, in terms of building a following with readers and other authors.

I'm ridiculously horrible at Math, but I love analytics.  There's something addictive about checking on the statistics of my blog and my business website and seeing how many people visit, where they're coming from, what pages catch their eye, etc.  It's humbling too, because I am aware that more than half of my blog posts are mindless babbling and the other half are me mourning my horse.  Certainly there are better uses of one's time, but I appreciate that so many have spent a little of theirs here anyway.

Over the past six months my blog has received 1701 pageviews.  I'd hoped to hit 2k by the end of the year, but there was really no reason for that number in particular.  Most of my 70 blog posts receive an average of 20 views, with the highest ever being 120 views for my entry the day I lost Moe ("Broken").  For successful bloggers, 1000 views is a slow day, but I'm happy with where I am.  Maybe someday I will be interesting enough to hit triple+ digits.

Thank you for stopping by and bumping up my numbers--for humoring my inner geek on this one thing.  Even though you guys rarely comment, I know people are reading, which encourages me to keep sharing (and oversharing).

If you've stuck with me this far....  I'd love to hear from you, the twenty-or-so peeps who take the time to at least blindly click to this blog every few days--what do you like about this blog?  What would you like to see more of?


  1. I love the you that comes through in the blog. I don't comment, because I am a FB underling - but know that I do read the blog when I can. You are a terrific writer and that is what makes it fun to read. Happy New Year.

    1. Thank you! <3

      And Happy New Year to you and your fam!

  2. Shannon was here. :)

  3. Love this one, although I do miss some of the crazy rants from one of your old blogs : )

    1. I would totally still have that blog if I could figure out how to log into it (my password recovery goes to my old earthlink e-mail).... so I can just look and reminisce about times when I didn't censor myself quite like I do now.

      I just save my rants for dinners with you.

  4. I just quickly glanced through one of your old blogs and there's a post titled "" I laughed, but glancing through some of the other posts.....a lot of them aren't very specific, but I remember enough to feel some of those painful times. I don't know what we'd do without our sense of humor to keep us going....

    1. I don't look back often. When I wrote on that blog, I was in the middle of a lot. A lot a lot. Reading it is embarassing, maddening, and depressing.... but I'm glad I got out alive. I think those years really fine-tuned my sarcasm, which is, I think, my best attribute.

      Thank you for humoring me all this time.


You are awesome. Comment some more and I will be sure to tell you again. :)