Thursday, September 12, 2013


Four months ago I sent an e-mail ending my business relationship with the publisher courting me.  It wasn't easy to say no to a sure thing.  Every day I wonder if I made the wrong choice.

My novel had a projected publish date of mid-October.  A month from now, a dream could have come true.  Maybe.

Their first round of novels were supposed to launch in July, but I am not sure if that happened.  I keep tabs on some other authors who have signed with this company because I'm anxious to see what happens.  For them, things seem to be moving forward and they are pleased with the process.

I still made the right decision, right?

Just kidding.  I know I did what I felt made the most sense at the time.  Still, I'm so ready for my novels to find an audience beyond my circle of family and friends.  That's something that requires patience, but, frankly, I skipped that line when virtues were being passed out.

Breathe in.  Breathe out.

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