Sunday, November 11, 2012


My client sent me a text confessing she is scared to leave the hospital and the comfort of having a nurse or lactation consultant one button-press away.  I sent a text back to her to reassure her that we'd help her find support if it was needed.  What I was thinking at that moment was:

"Sometimes the most important thing you can do is take a deep breath, let go of the hands you've been holding, and trust your intuition."

It can apply to so many areas of our lives, can't it?  Along with being terrified of failing, are we also just as scared to succeed?

For me, this is significant because I've buried myself ridiculously deep, 8k-ish words, in my National Novel Writing Month word count deficit.  The words seem to be dammed up today, and I don't know why.  Is it fear?  The complete scariness of letting go of control?  Hushing the overbearing voice of that so-called "perfectionist" streak? 

I need to let go of those things that are holding me back, to trust I can do this because, deep within, I know how to do this... and I want it more than anything.    Just like this new mama, convinced she doesn't have the wisdom she needs to be the mother she was divinely designed to be.  We both need to stop and realize that God has not given us these gifts without the necessary tools to enjoy them.

Breathe in.  Breathe out.  


  1. I am way behind as well. It's going to be interesting trying to catch up. How about we add a reward for meeting a certain word count by Thursday and splurge on dessert?

    1. That's a good idea. I may need more motivation than dessert.... But I'll come up with something I really want (not too expensive) and shoot for that. I'll be in touch with you, though, because I want to hear where you're at with your story.


You are awesome. Comment some more and I will be sure to tell you again. :)